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Highland PTO, Enhancing our children's education

Our school's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) exists to enhance the school experience for Highland students.  This group of volunteers sole purpose is to establish and nurture a close relationship between the parents, teachers, and students.  The PTO provides assistance to teachers in classroom settings, raises funds for supplemental educational materials and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children. The Highland PTO meets monthly in the Highland School Office Conference Room. Membership is free!


Lorri Capistran

PTO Chair

Marge Koepsell

PTO CO-Chair/Secretary

Chris Trostad


Marianne Isaacs

PTO Treasurer

PTO Funds Help Support:

PTO Activities & Events:

  • Staff Requests (supplies, material, services)

  • Student Field Trips (costs not covered by student fees)

  • Highland Library (Book Fair profits buy library books)

  • Yearbooks (keeping them affordable)

  • Pirate Pride t-shirts (free for Kindergarten students)

  • ​Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

  • Collecting Box Tops

  • Pirate Pride Shirt Sales

  • Staff Appreciation Week Activities

  • School Supply Drive

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