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Special Education

Crookston Public Schools offers programs and services for students who have met special education eligibility in any of the 13 disability areas identified in Minnesota Rules Chapter 3525.


Nonpublic and Inter-agency Referrals
Special education instruction and services may be provided to students from birth until July 1 after the child with a disability becomes 21 years old, but will not extend beyond secondary school or its equivalent. Local health, education, and social service agencies must refer children under age five who are known to need or suspected of needing special instruction and services to the school district. A full range of education programs and services will be provided for children with a disability.

Primary referral sources include:

  • Hospitals, including prenatal and postnatal care facilities 

  • Physicians

  • Parents

  • Daycare programs

  • Local education agencies

  • Public health facilities

  • Other social service agencies

  • Other health care providers​


Individual Education Plan

Once a child is determined eligible for special education services through the evaluation process, an Individualized Evaluation Program/Plan (IEP) is developed. An IEP describes the special education and related services specifically designed to meet the needs of a child with a disability. It is developed at an IEP meeting with an IEP team. The IEP team consists of: parent (MR 3525.0700), IEP manager (MS 3523.0550) general education teacher, an administrator, and the student, when appropriate. In addition to the core group, membership will vary according to student needs. Other members of the IEP team may include: speech pathologist, occupational therapist, vision teacher, hearing teacher, school nurse, counselor or any other person having knowledge or expertise regarding the child and his/her disabilities.


An IEP meeting is held one time per year, more often if requested by a parent or teacher.
The IEP is written for one year with progress being reported as often as general education progress is reported. The method of progress reporting is determined at the IEP meeting by the IEP team.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding special education, please contact the special services director.

Kathy Stronstad

Special Services Director

402 Fisher Avenue

Crookston, MN 56716

Phone: (218) 281-5313 ext. 2101


Crookston Public School District #593 does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals with disabilities, or in any aspect of their operations. District 593 also does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices.

This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding the ADA and Section 504 may be forwarded to the designated ADA and Section 504 compliance coordinator,  Kathy Stronstad at 281-5600 or  Jeremy Olson, Superintendent, at 281-5313.

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